Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tip of the week from Brenda Hopkins – Week 6

Let SmartList Alerts Warn You

How Many Customers are Over their Credit Limit
1) Setup your Smartlist
2) Pick Favorites and name the Favorite, example ‘Customer Over Credit Limit
3) Click Add and select ‘Add Favorite and Reminder’
4) Select ‘Number of Records’, example ‘ Greater Than 0’
5) You can set reminders based on the number of records or the total of the column
6) Click OK

Specific Customer Balance was Over $1,000
1) Setup your Smartlist
2) Pick Favorites and name the Favorite, example ‘Astor Suite > $1000.00’
3) Click Add and select ‘Add Favorite and Reminder’
4) Select ‘Total of Column’, example ‘ Customer Balance > $1000.00’
5) You can set reminders based on the number of records or the total of the column
6) Click OK

You can setup a reminder for an existing Smartlist
Go To Tools >> Setup >> User Preferences >> Reminders button

Click on New; select the Smartlist Favorite to see all the existing Smartlist options to choose from.

When you delete the Favorite, it deletes the reminder

Reminders appear on the Home Page

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