Monday, November 16, 2009

Tip of the week from Brenda Hopkins – Week 22

Business Alerts

Business Alerts can be used to setup a notification when a set of defined conditions are met. These conditions can be defined on a specific database.

Business Alerts takes advantage of the query features of Microsoft SQL Server to monitor your data for specific conditions. For example, suppose that you want to be notified when a customer’s credit limit has been exceeded. In that case, you can use the Business Alert wizard to create a query that compares the credit limit amounts to the current amounts for your customers.

You can use the wizard to set up the schedule for the alert—that is, when, how often, and for how long you want Microsoft Dynamics GP to check whether the conditions you’ve defined exist. You also can specify a list of people to notify when those conditions occur.

You can create an unlimited number of business alerts, combining information from any of the tables in company or system databases. For example, you can compare the outstanding commissions per salesperson from the sales tables to commissions paid in the payroll tables.

Once you have created and enabled a business alert, the conditions will be checked according to the schedule you set up. Whenever the alert condition is found, an e-mail message is sent to the people or groups that you specified or a task is created for the user that you specified.

You can use any of the notification methods supported by your messaging system with Business Alerts. For example, you can notify alert recipients e-mail. You also can create tasks that will be displayed on their home pages and their task list whenever an alert condition is found.

Alert schedule and notification
Use the Schedule and Notification window to modify when, how often, and for how long Microsoft Dynamics GP will check whether the business alert conditions exist. Microsoft Dynamics GP will check your data for the conditions specified in the business alert formula at the intervals you set up here. You also can add or remove e-mail addresses or user IDs from the list of recipients for this business alert.

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