Monday, August 24, 2009

Tip of the week from Brenda Hopkins – Week 19

Use Account Aliases

Account Aliases are shortcut names for accounts and are setup in Cards > Financial > Account.

In transactions, instead of entering an account, click the blue arrow next to the account tile and enter the alias. If you're using a long account structure, aliases provide a quicker method of data entry.

Friday, August 21, 2009

CustomerSource and FREE Training!

By Tunesia Winn

Hello everyone,

It’s come that time of the year that the kids are going back to school!  With the thought of education in the air have you given any thought to refresher training?  Maybe have a new employee you’d like to get ramped up on learning your solution. 

Why not look to your online training resource, CustomerSource!  Free eLearning through CustomerSource is available to all users current on their Microsoft Maintenance plan.  If you are not sure what plan you have or if you are not current and would like to become current, please contact your dedicated Account Manager.

To access the Free eLearning site go to, and click on Training & Certification.  From there you will find all eLearning courses.  In addition to the eLearning courses, BroadPoint offers on-site and off-site training.  If you are interested in scheduling a classroom training course, please contact your dedicated Account Manager.

We are here to help you become the master of your domain! 

Thanks and Fall Forward with Learning!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

On Demand FastPath Webinars due to popularity

By Nadia Isata, Account Manager, BroadPoint Technologies

BroadPoint will be conducting a second on demand FastPath webcast for select customers, since the first was extremely popular. This webcast will show how Fastpath Audit Trail offers superior performance and configurability. Within a few hours, you can quickly know what was

changed, who changed it and the before and after values.

* Tracks changes made from inside Dynamics and external sources

* Extensive list of audit trail templates

* Quick implementation and ROI

* Best available performance and reporting for Microsoft Dynamics

Fastpath Config AD moves all user management to the IT help desk and eliminates potential security conflicts by taking all user administration out of Dynamics.

* Eliminates use of 'sa' and Administrator for better security management

* Streamline new hire, termination, and user change management.

* Fastpath has the only single sign on product for Dynamics GP

* Decrease user maintenance costs by 65%

Sessions will be scheduled on demand.  If you would like to attend, please contact Nadia Isata at or at (301) 634-2403.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Your Business Solution Road Map

By Naida Isata, Account Manager, BroadPoint Technologies

Microsoft has developed  “Your Business Solution Road map” tool to help you produce an implementation roadmap for customers.  It merges the world of business process with the right Dynamics functionality and the people who need it. This enable customers on the Business Ready Licensing Business Essentials or Advanced Management edition to:

· Better understand long-term business objectives.

· Align business objectives with specific process improvements that will help reach these objectives.

· Develop a customized solution that deploys Dynamics broader and deeper into your organization to increase its ability to meet business objectives.

· Create a one-to-three-year implementation roadmap of the modules you already own, tailored to their solution and their unique business needs.

Schedule an Account Review with your Account Manager to develop Your Business Solution Road Map.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Tip of the week from Brenda Hopkins – Week 18

Duplicate a Journal Entry

Let’s say that last month you keyed a journal entry that was 100 lines long. Then next month, you find out that you need to enter this same journal entry again this month but with a few changes. Is there an easy way to key it again? Even with a few changes?


By using the Copy a Journal Entry functionality found in Transactions>Financial>General>Copy.

In version 8.0 Microsoft introduced Journal Entry corrections and copies. You now have the ability to copy a journal entry, easily.

In Transactions->Financial->General, select Copy
You now have an option to Copy a Journal Entry.

You will need the Journal Entry number (you can look it up) and year of the entry you want to copy.

**The look up on the JE Number can be time consuming; it would be faster if you know the Journal Entry Number.

By default, Copy only works for transactions that originated in the General Ledger. However, the administrator can change this behavior.

Tools>Setup>Financial>General Ledger now has new check boxes to control this functionality.

Voiding/Correcting of Subsidiary Transactions
Mark this option to allow transactions originating in other modules to be copied in General Ledger.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Vista and Microsoft Dynamics GP/ iMIS Users – can work together?


By Venketesh Subramony

Vista has TCP Auto tuning and it just stops the internet / network traffic.

I found some clients were complaining after upgrade or installing iMIS /Microsoft Dynamics GP in Vista. Actually this is an issue with the new feature. Here is how you can work around. This is suggested by Microsoft.

Disable TCP Autotuning

Vista's issues with slow browsing and network operations can be, in part, due to problematic network devices such as NICs and routers, but also because the new TCP Receive Window Auto-Tuning Level.

Click Start and type CMD.

  1. Press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to open the command Prompt with Administrative rights.
  2. At the prompt in the Administrator: Command Prompt window, type the following command,
  3. and then press ENTER: netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

Now reboot your machine and see if it helps. In most cases, you will notice an improvement in file copy performance.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

ASP:Menu will not work with IE8 / Chrome / Safari.

An iMIS Tips and Tricks by Venketesh Subramony

Consultant, BroadPoint Technologies

Please add this in Master Page

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" >

protected override void AddedControl(Control control, int index)
if (Request.ServerVariables["http_user_agent"].IndexOf("Safari", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) != -1)
this.Page.ClientTarget = "uplevel";
base.AddedControl(control, index);

Also use the Browsercap in webconfig


<!-- GECKO Based Browsers (Netscape 6+, Mozilla/Firefox, ...) //-->
<case match="^Mozilla/5\.0 \([^)]*\) (Gecko/[-\d]+)(?'VendorProductToken' (?'type'[^/\d]*)([\d]*)/(?'version'(?'major'\d+)(?'minor'\.\d+)(?'letters'\w*)))?">
<case match="(Gecko/[-\d]+)(?'VendorProductToken' (?'type'[^/\d]*)([\d]*)/(?'version'(?'major'\d+)(?'minor'\.\d+)(?'letters'\w*)))">
<case> <!-- plain Mozilla if no VendorProductToken found -->
<case match="rv:(?'version'(?'major'\d+)(?'minor'\.\d+)(?'letters'\w*))">
<case match="^b" with="${letters}">

<!-- AppleWebKit Based Browsers (Safari...) //-->
<case match="AppleWebKit/(?'version'(?'major'\d?)(?'minor'\d{2})(?'letters'\w*)?)">
<case match="AppleWebKit/(?'version'(?'major'\d)(?'minor'\d+)(?'letters'\w*))(.* )?(?'type'[^/\d]*)/.*( |$)">

<!-- Konqueror //-->
<case match=".+[K|k]onqueror/(?'version'(?'major'\d+)(?'minor'(\.[\d])*)(?'letters'[^;]*));\s+(?'platform'[^;\)]*)(;|\))">

<!-- Opera //-->
<case match="Opera[ /](?'version'(?'major'\d+)(?'minor'\.(?'minorint'\d+))(?'letters'\w*))">
<filter match="[7-9]" with="${major}">
<case match="7" with="${major}">
<case match="[5-9]" with="${minorint}">
<case match="[8-9]" with="${major}">
<case match="Chrome/(?'version'(?'major'\d+)(?'minor'\.\d+)\.\d+.\d+)\sSafari/\d+\.\d+">

Monday, August 10, 2009

Tip of the week from Brenda Hopkins – Week 17

Reduce the time it takes to create and distribute reports

SQL SERVER REPORTING SERVICES (SRS) helps summarize your data in Web-based charts and graphs. Build reports to support specific business activities, and share vital information across your organization.

Access reports easily from within Microsoft Dynamics GP or the Web. Let users log into the web site and access reports themselves, these reports can be printed or exported to excel.

ONLINE VIEWS offer forecasting insights that are easy to share across your organization or with designated vendors or contractors.

Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services offers over 60 reports, you can use these sample reports either as-is or as templates for designing new reports.

  • General Ledger Detail and Summary Trial Balance Reports.
  • Receivables Aged Trial Balance Report and Detail Historical Aged Trial Balance Reports.
  • Payables Aged Trial Balance Report and Detail Historical Aged Trial Balance Reports.
  • Open Purchase Orders Report: Purchase orders that have not been closed or canceled per vendor or for all vendors, including list views for the number, status, and date of each purchase order, assigned vendor, and line item detail.
  • Open Sales Orders Report: Unposted sales orders for a range of customers, including list views for the sales order number and date, customer information, requested ship date, amount remaining, assigned salesperson, and line item detail.
  • Customer Profitability Report: Sales, total profit, and gross margin percentage per customer for the selected year. Expandable customer ID offers a view of sales, total profit, and gross margin percentage by document number.
  • Inventory Value by Site Report: Bar graph of the value of inventory by site and the total inventory value for the company. Clickable inventory site bars display Inventory value by Site. Use the Item Number Report to view items and their total value for that site.
  • Item Quantity Back Order Report: Quantity of items that are back ordered, quantities allocated to purchase orders, and item quantities available for all sites.port to view items and their total value for that site.
  • Employee wage and Hour Report: Employee Pay Codes with hours and wage for each pay code.
  • Employee Pay History Report: Select Pay Codes and Departments to include showing historical employee pay history.
  • Employee Earnings Register: Snap shot of employee summary earnings.
  • Department Wage and Hour Report: Select departments and Pay Codes to include, hours and total paid for each department.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Write a WebService using your notepad


An iMIS Tips and Tricks by Venketesh Subramony

Consultant, BroadPoint Technologies


You can write a webservice using a notepad editor. Also you can test this using your browser.

You can even test the webservice by browsing the asmx page in the browser.

<%@ WebService Language="C#" class="MyWebService" %>

using System;

using System.Web.Services;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.MySecureInfo;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

using System.Data;

using System.Data.SqlClient;

using System.Configuration;

public struct MyInfo


public string variables;



public class MyWebService : WebService


private MyInfo MySecureInfo;

public MyWebService()


MySecureInfo.variables = "";


private void AssignValues(string variables)




// your code




MySecureInfo.variables= variables;



[WebMethod(Description="This method call will get the company name and the price for a given MySecureInfo pID.",EnableSession=true)]

public MyInfo GetMyInfo(string pUserid,string pPassword)



MyInfo MySecureInfoDetails = new MyInfo();

MySecureInfoDetails.variables = MySecureInfo. variables;

return MySecureInfoDetails;



Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What is PCI and Why is PCI Compliance important for you?

For more information contact Kim Owens, (704) 987-9989
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of requirements designed to ensure that ALL companies that process, store or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment. Essentially any merchant that has a Merchant ID (MID).

Payment Card Industries (PCI) Security Standards Council members including Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, Discover, etc. continually monitor and fight payment card data theft. These compromises affect the full spectrum of merchants, from very small to very large organizations. A security breach of any sensitive data can lead to serious consequences, including:

  • Potential heavy financial penalties (ie, regulation violation fees & fines)
  • Loss of reputation
  • Loss of customers
  • Litigation
  • Merchant Account Revoke

Being PCI Compliance ensures that a merchant has met rigid PCI security standards. In addition, Visa mandates that any custom requires integrated credit card processing applications, it must be PA-DSS certified credit card processing applications by Oct 1, 2009. (See attached Visa Mandate). This so-called phase IV is intended to eliminate the continued use of vulnerable payment applications by acquirers, merchants and agents within the payment system.

Understanding this mandates, companies should make sure that their credit card processing software provider for their Dynamics ERP has been validated to be in compliant with PA-DSS. Using a certified credit card processing software will definitely help merchants to meet all security standards requirements and can achieve PCI compliance easier.

(Optional) Learn more about the importance of PCI compliance. Join us for a specialized webinar session where we will walk you through PCI’s payment application mandates and show how BroadPoint and their partner Nodus can help you to meet PCI security standards requirements.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Webservice Easy to implement using JQuery.

An iMIS Tips and Tricks by Venketesh Subramony
Consultant, BroadPoint Technologies

The jQuery code is very simple and easy to learn.

Here are the features of jQuery

1. DOM element selections functions

2. DOM traversal and modification

3. Events

4. CSS manipulation

5. Effects and animations

6. Ajax

7. Extensibility

8. Utilities - such as browser version and the each function.

9. JavaScript Plugins

POST Method

function InfoByDate(sDate, eDate){
var divToBeWorkedOn = '#AjaxPlaceHolder';
var webMethod = 'http:// WebService/Web.asmx/GetInfoByDates'
var parameters = "{'sDate':'" + sDate + "','eDate':'" + eDate + "'}"
type: "POST",
url: webMethod,
data: parameters,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function(msg) {
error: function(e){

GET Method

$.get("", { name: "John", time: "2pm" },
alert("Data Loaded: " + data);

Monday, August 3, 2009

Tip of the week from Brenda Hopkins – Week 16

Budgets Can Now be Tracked across Years

There are times when a fund or grant does not start on the first day of the fiscal year or end on the last day of the fiscal year. The life of the fund or grant sometimes also crosses over fiscal years. This feature provides the ability to budget based on a start and an end date in Microsoft Dynamics GP Release 10.0.

Not for Profit and Public Sector organizations often have the need to track funds and grants to associate expenses against money received. Funds are typically tracked as a segment of the General Ledger account segment in Microsoft Dynamics GP, and grants are often tracked as a Transaction Dimension Code within Analytical Accounting.

A few changes have been made to the budgeting windows in Microsoft Dynamics GP Version 10 to accommodate the ability to enter budget start and end dates. The Budget Maintenance window was updated with these changes.

Cards > Financial >Budgets

To enter start and end dates for a budget, you will need to select the Date Range in the Based On field.

If Fiscal Year is selected in the Based On field, budget functionality works as before, and no budget start and end date can be entered.

Budgets created in the Single Account Budget Maintenance window, using the Budget Wizard for Excel or in Analytical Accounting Budget Maintenance can also be based on a fiscal year or date range and allow for start and end dates to be entered for budgets.

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